Republicans Trash The Economy, Again!
Republicans were in charge and caused the Panic of ’73.
Republicans were in charge and caused the Crash of ’29
Republicans were in charge and caused the S&L Collapse
The DotCom Bubble was predicted by every one but Intel
Phil Graham wrote just about every piece of legislation that has back-fired in this current crisis. McLame still holds his hand when they cry for the less fortunate. They cried for the poor homeowners and small investors when Lincoln Savings folded, too. Who would have guessed that the same opaque instruments would have folded in exactly the same way four different times across 135 years?
The economy got so bad that Neo-Cons are complaining that they couldn’t donate enough to save the GOP ’08 Campaign from defeat. Even the Republican Party itself was forced, in the final weeks of the campaign, to borrow an additional 5 Billion dollars from Goldman Sachs. Good thing that Paulson was able to provide those funds. I wonder what the RNC used for collateral? Sarah’s wardrobe?
Yet, the top 1% of these companies felt no impact from their actions, what so ever. Even the decision makes at Leaman Bros. got paid plus bonuses that were tied to performance. Well, they did perform. This happens every time, too. If the team at AIG is any standard to go by they don’t even understand that anything they did was wrong.
Anyone else see a pattern? If you look just at the result you might think that it was done on purpose. In fact, it looks like Wall Street was running with scissors and when the inevitable happened cried, “Uncle Sam, kiss it and make it better!” When asked where it hurt Wall Street pointed to it’s penis.
So, let me be the one to say, “Republicans trash the economy on purpose.”
Arrest their leadership and offer the membership amnesty tied to public service.
Impeach, convict and punish the profiteers.
Viva America!
Viva Obama!
The Tattlesnake – Miller Shills for the Wasilla Chinchilla on Billo and Other Atrocities Edition
Plus a Weird Election 2008 Factoid and a Plea to the GOP
“In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican.”
– H.L. Mencken
Gov. Snowjob said on Larry King Nov. 12th that there is nothing wrong with “calling people out” on their past associations, defending her lame McCarthyite attempts to link Obama to Bill Ayers and the Weather Underground. She added that she expected she would be called out on hers as well. Good. Let’s see, she’s openly palled around with and supported for reelection convicted felon Sen. Ted Stevens, corrupt ex-Governor of Alaska Frank Murkowski, and she’s married to a former member of the Alaska Independence Party, a group that despises and wants to secede from the United States. Imagine if Obama had strongly supported two crooks and his wife once belonged to an organization that hated America? C’mon, Big Media, time to apply some fairness here, and Sarah asked for it.
Speaking of Sarah the Terror: Miller and Palin, Sittin’ in a Tree:
“Listen, she’s a great dame. People are fascinated by her because the left hate her. I think the left hate her — mostly women on the left hate her, because to me, from outside in, it appears that she has a great sex life. All right? I think she has non-neurotic sex with that Todd Palin guy. I think most of the women on the Upper East Side, their husbands haven’t been aroused since Mailer signed copy [sic] of The Executioner’s Song at Rizzoli’s back in the early ’70s.
“So they look at her, and they hate her. I think that snowmobile looks like mechanized foreplay to me, and that’s why people are fascinated by it.”
– Dennis Miller on “The O’Reilly Factor,” Fox News, Nov. 12, 2008.
I remember when Dennis had a functioning frontal lobe and was even occasionally clever, but years of drinking, drugs, chickenhawk fear, raging ego and his wiseguy notion that he’d just jump on the money train of what he thought would be generations of Republican rule softened his gray matter to the point where he’s defending a vacuous Alaska opportunist he once would have gleefully impaled with humor. BTW, I wonder what ‘non-neurotic sex’ is — the Moose Mama ‘Missionary Position’ (that would be a ‘rear mount’) or the opposite of whatever you call it when Miller picks up his paycheck these days?
My sympathies to the frustrated Mrs. Miller, if she’s still around – married to a goofball who thinks snowmobiles equate with foreplay can’t be a pleasant existence.
It’s was so bad even Billo took note of what had surfaced in his ‘No Spin Zone’ punchbowl: